How I Turned A CD Cover Into An Animation
I’ve been playing around with motion design as a hobby for a couple of years now. I find it challenging, but also very fun to do. This is my first motion work that I’ve shown to the public, and I hope that you like it. What I plan on showing you in this post is some of the different elements used to bring it to life.
The font used is the famous Helvetica Neue Medium and bold expanded. I also used Courier New in other portions of the CD Art.
Next I searched for some stock photo of an awesome looking gun to build upon my theme. I wanted to portray a feel of how dangerous each group member was, lyrically.
The main focus of the CD design was to bring the feeling of a dark paramilitary world told through music.
I then took the framework for the CD Art and used it for the background for the Video, then animating it later.
I also got some stock footage of explosions and fog clouds.
Then for the effects, I used Twitch, a plug-in for Adobe After Effects from Video Copilot. I also used their animation presets.
I picked the strongest track from the CD that bled authority to the listener’s ears.
The animation was then composed in 5 sections.
The Intro of the presenter
The Intro of the artists
The presentation of the group as a whole and their faces
The reveal of the CD cover
And finally, the credits
Here’s the final animation in HD. You’ll have to choose the right setting when you start the video.
I had a lot of fun putting this together and would love to hear your critical thoughts about it. Oh, and if you’d like to get you hands on the psd, you can find it by clicking on the image below.
GoldenEye Mixtape Template
This CD Artwork Pack is customized for the music industry. The composition is geared towards anyone who needs a mysterious, dark, pre apocalyptic war mood to match their music. Add this to your promotional arsenal for a maximum effect with your contemporary audience.
Price: $7.00
Everything’s great except imo the shaky camera + light effect that keeps going on and off bothers my eyes, and sorta makes everything blurry and unclear.
Love the ending burn-out on this,pretty cool!
Nice!!, I like it a lot, good type selection.
@Yung Tsai Yeah, I wanted the shaking of the camera to be like the bass in the beat shaking the tv screen. I guess I could have toned it down a tad bit. Thanks for the crit.
@loswl and Designer Freelance, thanks!
Need some new work done bro, hit me up!